Electrical energy — in favor of civilization, but the cost of the kilowatt-hours gradually grows and issues of energy saving are becoming more acute and more important. What steps would be appropriate to make each of us how to save is an extra cent? Try to understand!

Culture the use of aids and appliances,
To start with, what basically does one disconnect from a network of charging devices, tvs, home appliances. Charger left in the socket, it continues to work, it is called a mode no-load and current consumption is dependent on the circuitry and performance of the device. It is for each type of resource, such as a transformer, the impetus. In every modern household appliances, for example, in the microwave, the conditioner, the tv, or TV-tuner, led display, led, etc. Are also consuming the energy, and the power source, for example, when the tv is turned off "using the" continue to work in standby mode. In the service mode is a standby mode of appliances, expect that it can signal from the remote controller, or installed in the timer on hours. On this topic in the network there are a lot of studies, we have acquired and in the average of the obtained data on the consumption of some devices in the "idle" or standby mode and have them in one list:
- - Satellite receiver or tuner for digital tv broadcasting — 5.7 W (50 kw/year);
- - Game console — 0.7-1 W (8,7 kw/year);
- - Tv — 0.3-0.5 W (4,4 kw/year);
- - The computer is in sleep mode — 3-4 W (35 kw/year);
- - Monitor — 1 W (8,7 kw/year);
- - Notebook — 0.5 W (4,4 kw/year);
- - Coffee — 1.5 W (13 kw/year);
- - Washing machine — 0.1 W (0,9 kwh/year);
- - Air conditioning — 3-5 Watts of power (44 kw/year);
- - Router (it is constantly in operation mode and not in standby)— 3-5 Watts of power (44 kw/year).
If in a particular case, the data do not represent a special savings, but in the sum is obtained by a considerable number. In addition, each empty device that leaves the connected to the network – this is the danger of ignition and fire. Therefore, disconnect from the network appliance, when not in use. Also there is no need to computer or laptop still turned on. The computer with the monitor consumes 100 W and more, even if only in idle (and in the course of the game consumption can increase and a half kilowatts), the average notebook 40-60 Watts. By the way, already it is possible to make a conclusion about that, if you do not need a stationary machine – the laptop will burn a smaller amount of electricity during operation. If you now you don't need a computer or a notebook – send it to sleep or hibernation mode, then its consumption will be reduced up to several watts. It's also about devices with mobile phones. The statistics of visiting the website shows that a large part of the traffic in 2019 – mobile device. In addition to the small size and autonomy of the consciousness and fuel. For example, in the tablet installed batteries with a capacity of almost 9000 ma/h, voltage of about 3.7 V, it tells us that in him, saved into the power of 33 Watts/hour Manufacturer states up to 10 hours of continuous work, which is confirmed by the tests of reviewers. What does it mean? That charge goes to 40-50 Watt of electricity, if we consider the EFFICIENCY of the charger and the consumption of the tablet in the charging process. This energy will last all day at work or surfing on the internet, then the as a complete pc consumes two more per hour. It is in no way advertising techniques from the cider manufacturer, but this is only a sample. The same can be said of any other device – the vary will be only the number of hours of work and the number of watts needed for this. Set priorities and clearly outline what kind of equipment you enough work.
So you pay for light!
If in the year 2019 it is difficult to say something new about the efficiency of led and fluorescent lamps, it will not be superfluous to remind, that it is necessary to use lighting rational. Forgotten for the night lighting significantly beating on the wallet, even when using led bulbs. Let's say that you leave on through the night, the light in the bathroom, or in the hallway, how much does it cost? If we talk about the led lamps, it is the most popular light bulbs with the power of 7-10 w, take on greater significance. Before going to bed you forget to turn off, or deliberately left the lights on in one of the rooms, sleeping people, to 7-8 hours, then:
10*8 = 80 W/h for the night of the injury the light bulb, and for the year:
80*365=29,2 kw/h
And if the light is on in several rooms all night? Yes, add to this the appliance is in standby mode, about which we said above? If you are using incandescent bulbs – these numbers can be multiplied 10 times. In addition to the forgotten bulbs, not all people are aware of the difference between the overall and local lighting and in the grove chandeliers powerful lamps. Significantly reduce the cost of lighting, if for work use a table lamp, and the total (ceiling) lighting to make it less noticeable. This will help in the scr or the distribution of illumination on the group. Also, installing motion sensors for light in these rooms helps to save money, how to do this, we have described in another article.
Installation of the many services the counter helps greatly to save. There are several variants of the two – zone and three-zone billing. For example the following tariffs:
- - For one-tariff counter – 5,38 p per 1 kw/h
- - Two-zone charging: at night (from 23:00 to 07:00) a 2.29 p per 1 kw/h and in the afternoon (from 07:00 to 23:00) to 6.1 p per 1 kw/h;
- - For three call counters at night 2,29 p, semi top part (afternoon and late evening, from 10.00 to 17.00 and from 21.00 to 23.00) — 5,38 p and v is the maximum time (in the morning and in the evening from 07:00 to 10:00 and from 17:00 to 21:00) about 7 usd per 1 kw/h.
Who benefits from this? Almost everyone, who by day works and at night at home – it is cheaper to buda, washing, bathing (if used electric water heater), cooking (if the cooktop is electric). Also a lot of calls, the counter will reduce the amount for heating, if you have a private house or apartment with an electric autonomous heating system (induction boiler, boiler Heat Power of the Radiators and so on.). So you can, as long as you not at home, reduce the performance of the boiler or completely off (in slightly frost), and after coming home to turn on and all night warm accommodation. With the help of Wi-Fi relay, or timer, or other devices of home automation to make this process automatically, i.e. the performance will be to drive without your participation. Then there you will be able to set the heating switch on for an hour before the arrival of the work, to not be in a frozen apartment.
Energy efficiency class
The concept of energy efficiency is quite huge and in the eyes of ordinary people is unclear. In most cases, under the energy efficiency and consumption of electrical energy people are aware of the installation of led or energy-saving bulbs, and buy LED tvs and monitors. However, this is not entirely true. Increase energy efficiency – this is one of the major current tasks of engineers and scientists, and this applies to both the use of potentially new technologies and devices with different from the old principle of action (the same inverter electric motors of compressors of refrigerators, washing machines, or led light sources), as well as a different approach to the way the management of traditional elements and circuits, for example, increasing the frequency of pulsed power sources, optimization of operation modes of the semiconductor switch, in order to increase the EFFICIENCY of appliances in general. Therefore, these appliances are divided according to the degree of energy efficiency, is denoted by Latin letters from a to G, but they are very important tools with even higher classes — a+, a++ and A+++, and standardized in this document as "the Directive on labelling of energy efficiency no 2010/30/EU".
Energy efficiency class is determined on the basis of the quantity of electricity consumed in the course of the work, and many other factors, for each type of technology has its own scale. To not go into the details, we show the difference in the classrooms on a real example. On Yandex.market selected 2 different refrigerator with good reviews and rating, but different energy efficiency classes. The difference in consumption is almost 2 times. But the price is different than on half. But modern technology thing "energy efficiency" is not limited. Saving energy is important, it is not a waste of energy. This is especially true for those who warms your accommodation electricity. If you have a thin wall and pulls out from under the baseboards and windows – is not important, what boiler and how rational you make the outline of the heating – you will still be drowning street! Insulation, sealing of joints, use of modern materials in the construction significantly reduces heat loss. Lead specific numbers, irrationally, because they are interdependent, both from the particular house, as well as on other factors, the type, the quality of the anchoring of the walls, stacking blocks, sealing of all possible locations where the wind may blow (the footbridge cold) and the cabin the frequency and force of the wind on your property.
Five rules for saving
So, to sum up:
- 1. Unplug appliances and chargers from the network, you do not want each time to yank the plug out of the socket? There are extension cords, sockets, and even a fork with a switch.
- 2. Use energy-saving or led light bulbs.
- 3. When buying a new refrigerator or washing machine, pay attention to the technique of the higher classes
- 4. Set many join counter.
- 5. Check out the house on the subject of the heat loss of the (now many experts offer inspections with a thermal imager) and isolate the problematic areas.